On Conversation End Events

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On Conversation End Events

Post by Smoky »

Good evening Tony. I recently purchased the System Dialog and want to import it instead of the demo. But I have a problem that I can't figure out how to solve. I didn't find an answer on the forum, maybe I didn't search well enough.

I made 3 consecutive dialogues and assigned an Event "On Conversation End (Transform)" at the end of each dialogue. The very first scene starts when the scene starts, then the event fires and the next conversation starts. Before that, everything worked well and stably, but I decided to change the text color and titles for all actors, and when I added the Dialogue Actor and Actor Subtitle Color components and assigned an actor to them, the events stopped working. If I remove these components, then everything still works stably and well. The rest of the dialogs in the game with these components work fine. they have no events. What could be the reasons? Could this be related to the demo version of the asset or not?
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Tony Li
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Re: On Conversation End Events

Post by Tony Li »


This isn't related to the demo/evaluation version.

Please see: Character GameObject Assignments.

OnConversationStart / OnConversationEnd events are only sent to the Dialogue Manager GameObject and the two GameObjects that are used as the Dialogue System Trigger's conversation actor and conversation conversant.

Since you added Dialogue Actor components, the Dialogue System Trigger is probably using different GameObjects for the conversation actor and conversation conversant.

Try moving the Dialogue System Triggers to VG.
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Re: On Conversation End Events

Post by Smoky »

Amazing. Thanks a lot)
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Tony Li
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Re: On Conversation End Events

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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