Trying to make the dialogue look a certain way

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Trying to make the dialogue look a certain way

Post by KNGKRMSN »

Hi, I'm very new to the dialogue system and after looking at the documentation for custom UIs I didn't find a way to make it look like what I want. I'd like the dialogue to animate this way :
How can I achieve that ? Can the portrait be a non square image ? How can I define a start and end animation ? Thanks in advance, the system is awesome but quite complicated to get around
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Tony Li
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Re: Trying to make the dialogue look a certain way

Post by Tony Li »


There are several parts to this. For the most part, you can follow the Dialogue UI Tutorials. Here's an example scene:


I moved some UI elements to more closely resemble your example.

To animate the scroll and the appearance of the portrait image, I modified the NPC Subtitle Panel's animations. The animator and animation clips are in the subfolder named SubtitlePanelAnimator. I edited them in Unity's Animation window.

To animate the portrait, I ticked the NPC Subtitle Panel's Use Animated Portraits checkbox. I also ticked Delay Typewriter Until Open. Then I added an Animator the Portrait Image.

To specify what portrait animation to play, I added a Dialogue Actor component to the NPC GameObject and assigned an Animator that animated a Portrait Image. I also set the Dialogue Manager's Camera & Cutscene Settings > Default Sequence to:

Code: Select all

AnimatorPlay(Talk, speakerportrait);
required AnimatorPlay(Idle, speakerportrait)@Message(Typed);
The first command plays the Talk animation on the speaker's portrait image.

The second command waits until the typewriter effect sends its message "Typed" and then plays the Idle animation. It's marked "required" to ensure it runs even if the player skips ahead early.
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Re: Trying to make the dialogue look a certain way

Post by KNGKRMSN »

I can't thank you enough ! Ill get to work, thanks again
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Tony Li
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Re: Trying to make the dialogue look a certain way

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! UIs for things like dialogue are often one of the most complex parts of setting up a game, so if you have questions, please let me know.
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