Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

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Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

Post by Itilos »

I want to just clarify the proper workflow when using Master Audio (after looking at the docs).

Playing VO audio without master audio is easy, as dragging the audio file into the dialogue node auto-creates the AudioWait() function.

It appears, however, that using Master Audio requires:

1. Every single voiceover-dialogue audio file needs to be dragged in to the "Voices" bus in Master Audio
2. Each and every dialogue node needs to call the MAPlaySound() function with the name of that VO's soundgroup.

Is this the intended workflow? It seems a bit more labor intensive to have to manually do this, rather than easily just drag the VO audio file into dialogue node Sequence fields.
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

Post by Tony Li »

Yes, I'm afraid that's correct. I think you can mass-drag them all at the same time. For VO, I recommend using MA's Resources option so Master Audio doesn't have to load all VO files when it starts.
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Re: Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

Post by Itilos »

Got it! Thanks for clarifying.

Is it possible to reference Dialogue Entry values from the Sequence field in a Dialogue Entry?

I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like MAPlaySound(IntroConversationPlayer{ID}, , , , true);

That way the copying and pasting would be easier if I name files to have the IDs of the nodes.
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

Post by Tony Li »

Yes, the Dialogue System has a feature called entrytags exactly for that purpose. Export a Voiceover Script to get the entrytags of all dialogue entries. Then name your sounds according to their entrytags. Part 4 of the Cutscene Sequence Tutorials goes over entrytags, too.
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Re: Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

Post by Itilos »

Thank you! Will check that out.
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing VO Sounds with Master Audio

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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