ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

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ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by SuperSparkplug »

In our game, we use Dialogue System and Adventure Creator and use the ACCam command in the sequencer to switch Cameras mid conversation. This is usually fine. However, we have one level where many characters are talking. To make this easier, I made a system of cameras around each character and duplicated them under different parent objects. For example, Person 1 > Camera_Front and Person 2 > Camera_Front.

Previously, using the regular AC command to call Actionlists, I was able to use "/" in order to get a specific directory in case of a similar system. For example I had a similar system with multiple AC Action Lists named the same under different parent objects and was able to just able to call AC(Person2/Action3) to call Action 3 under person 2, separately from other things named Action 3.

I thought this would work the same with ACCam, that way I only had to change the 'Person' directory and things would be similarly named. However, after doing a BUNCH of work setting up the sequencer code in this way, I'm discovering it does not. It does not recognize me typing ACCam(Person4/Camera_Front); for example.

Trying to do this over will mean a lot of work and will make it harder to easily modify later. Is there a way to modify the ACCam sequencer command script so that it would work in this way?
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Tony Li
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by Tony Li »


I'll look into this and try to get it to work with "/".
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Awesome thanks. Will it require a new script(s) or some form of modification to the existing one?
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Tony Li
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by Tony Li »

No, it should just work without any need to change anything on your part.
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by SuperSparkplug »

I'm confused. Then how would I add that functionality?
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Tony Li
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by Tony Li »


Is my understanding correct? Assuming you have two GameObjects named "Person3/Camera_Front" and "Person4/Camera_Front", you want ACCam("Person4/Camera_Front") to find the correct Camera_Front, right? If so, then this updated AC integration package will handle it:

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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Amazing! Thanks for this, but it's not quite working yet. I'm getting an error.

Assets/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/Third Party Support/Adventure Creator Support/Scripts/RememberDialogueSystem.cs(41,33): error CS0117: 'DialogueManager' does not contain a definition for 'StopAllConversations'

It seems that I might be missing something in my version of Dialogue System or Adventure Creator. We're coming to the end of a 2.5 year project so I would not be surprised if we missed some updates. However, I'm a bit weary of doing full version updates this late in the game in case something breaks. Thoughts?
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Tony Li
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by Tony Li »


You can revert the RememberDialogueSystem.cs file back to to whatever version is in your version control system. Or change that line from:




(The StopAllConversations() method was added in version 2.2.25, released February 2022.)
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Never let anyone tell you that you aren't a magnificent lifesaver, Tony. Thank you so much!
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Tony Li
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Re: ACCam Command Issues. Possible to Modify?

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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