Time between 2 or more npc dialogue entries

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Time between 2 or more npc dialogue entries

Post by Adeoon »

So my npc dialogue entries are passing too fast, there is no any time to read that. Is there a possibility to stop dialogue after one npc dialogue entry shows up, then the player has to click continue button to show next npc dialogue entry, or make time which would be calculated from the number of chars, or something like that.

Thank you in Advance Tony!
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Tony Li
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Re: Time between 2 or more npc dialogue entries

Post by Tony Li »


Yes, you can do either thing.

To wait for the player to click a continue button, inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject. Set Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Continue Button to Always. Your subtitle panel(s) should have continue buttons. See any of the dialogue UI prefabs that ship with the Dialogue System for examples of how to set up a continue button.

If you want to instead advance automatically after a duration based on text length, leave the Continue Button dropdown set to Never. Set the Camera & Cutscene Settings > Default Sequence to: Delay({{end}})
Then decrease Subtitle Settings > Subtitle Chars Per Second and/or increase Min Subtitle Seconds.
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