Conversation suddenly not working

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Conversation suddenly not working

Post by lizukadaky101 »


I have I project that Ive finalized and built a few days ago with no issues. After that, I realized that I needed to build it in webGL in order to post it online. So I went ahead, installed the webGL module, built it, and suddenly, the conversation doesnt work properly. It doesnt show any text, just some dialogue events that are supposed to happen (various animations, waits, even the dialogue panels pop up normally). I havent changed anything after the last time it worked so I have no idea what might have caused it. The conversation doesnt even work now when I try to test it in play mode. I think I have the dialogue trigger set up properly, because the nodes in dialogue window do flow light up and light up properly on start.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by lizukadaky101 »

Okay so I tried to recreate the problem and it is indeed caused by installing the webGL module - in a different project, i switched platforms from Windows to webGL and it happened again. When I try to go back to Windows platform that I had set up before, the conversation remains broken.
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Tony Li
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by Tony Li »


After switching platforms to WebGL, please open the Dialogue System's Welcome Window and make sure all of the checkboxes that you need are still ticked. For example, if you're using TextMesh Pro, make sure the TMP_PRESENT checkbox is ticked.

The Welcome Window checkboxes correspond to your project settings' Scripting Define Symbols. These Scripting Define Symbols tell the Dialogue System what code to include. If the TMP_PRESENT symbol is present, it will include code to support TextMesh Pro.

Every platform (Standalone, WebGL, iOS, etc.) has its own separate set of Scripting Define Symbols. When you tick a checkbox in the Welcome Window, the Dialogue System adds the corresponding Scripting Define Symbol to build settings for all platforms that are currently installed. It's not able to add Scripting Define Symbols for platforms that aren't installed yet. If you later install a new platform (e.g., WebGL), you must tick the checkbox again to set the Scripting Define Symbol.
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by lizukadaky101 »

Oh I see! I ticked "TMP_PRESENT" on and although the text now does appear, it seems to ignore from which conversation it reads and instead defaults to the first one. The nodes in the dialogue window again light up in the correct conversation (and events also happen), but the text is taken from a different one. Any idea whats up with that?
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Tony Li
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by Tony Li »


Check the first scene in build settings. Make sure its Dialogue Manager GameObject points to the correct database. At runtime, the Dialogue Manager survives scene changes and replaces any Dialogue Managers in subsequently-loaded scenes.
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by lizukadaky101 »


in the first scene in build settings I actually do not have a Dialogue Manager (since it is the Main Menu). In the second scene, where dialogue happens, the Dialogue Manager and Dialogue Database is linked properly. Putting the dialogue manager into the main menu scene did not help solve it
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Tony Li
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by Tony Li »

Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

If you inspect your dialogue UI, are the TextMeshProUGUI components properly assigned to the subtitle panels and response menu panel?

If that doesn't help, please feel free to send a reproduction project to tony (at)
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Tony Li
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Re: Conversation suddenly not working

Post by Tony Li »


Thank you for sending the repro project.

In your Dialogue Manager prefab, please reassign the TextMeshProUGUI components to the Subtitle Text field and the response buttons' Label fields. When you added the WebGL module, you must have then saved the Setup scene before re-ticking the TMP_PRESENT checkbox. This would have saved the scene without the TextMeshProUGUI assignments.
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