How do I remove Menu Text localizations?

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How do I remove Menu Text localizations?

Post by fkkcloud »


I've accidentally made bunch of Menu Text for all localizations.
화면 캡처 2023-01-15 041707.png
화면 캡처 2023-01-15 041707.png (96.87 KiB) Viewed 534 times
Is there any way to remove them for hundreds of nodes at once?

Also, after I have Menu Text localizations and main text localizations, whenever I have this node inspector activate, whole editor stutter really bad. Is there any solution for this?

Thank you
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Tony Li
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Re: How do I remove Menu Text localizations?

Post by Tony Li »


For the stutter, go to the Dialogue Editor's Database section. Expand Editor Properties and tick Fast Undo For Large Databases. Even so, for very large database, the Unity editor may stutter. This is a factor of how Unity serializes large assets, not specific to the Dialogue System. If your database gets so large that it stutters a lot, you can use multiple databases or import from an external program such as articy:draft or Celtx. (Keep in mind that these external programs may also stutter with large projects.)

To remove the Menu Text localizations, go to the Templates section. Expand the Dialogue Entries foldout. Click the "-" next to each Menu Text localization. When the editor asks if you want to delete the field from all assets, click Remove All.
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