Error: Array index is out of range

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Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:51 pm

Error: Array index is out of range

Post by SuperSparkplug »

I bought the Dialogue System and began experimenting to use it in games of my own. However, I keep running into an issue with almost all of the UI systems. Whenever I put in a UI system for the Dialogue Manager, I get this error and the conversation freezes after I make my first decision and won't progress. I've only been able to get it working with the Sci-Fi UI. What does it mean?

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI.Navigation.Navigate (Int32 direction)

PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI.Navigation.CheckNavigationInput (Vector2 relativeMousePosition)

PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI.GUIControl.DrawChildren (Vector2 relativeMousePosition)

PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI.GUIControl.Draw (Vector2 relativeMousePosition)

PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI.GUIRoot.OnGUI ()

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Tony Li
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Error: Array index is out of range

Post by Tony Li »


Thank you for buying the Dialogue System!

It looks like you're using the legacy Unity GUI dialogue UIs and enabling gamepad/keyboard navigation. What UIs are you having problems with?

This error message occurs when you've enabled navigation on a panel but you haven't assigned any buttons to the navigation order list.

Most of the UIs have a panel named "Response Panel" with buttons assigned to its order list. You'll want to tick the Navigation > Enabled checkbox on this panel.

However, some of the UIs are structured differently. (The UI system is flexible; you're free to structure your UIs almost any way you want.) On the JRPG Dialogue UI, for example, you'll need to tick Navigation > Enabled on the panel named "Text Panel" instead.

If that doesn't help, please let me know the following information:

1. Version of Dialogue System (see _README.txt).

2. Dialogue UI that's causing the error.

3. Screenshot of the panel's navigation section.

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