Quest Not Showing in Journal [Resolved]

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Quest Not Showing in Journal [Resolved]

Post by DrewOfDonuts »


I'm on Tutorial 2: Exploration Quest.

The player does trigger the quest giver to StartDialogueWithPlayer, but the quest does not populate in the Journal. The player does have a Quest Journal component, and I can confirm that no Quest is loaded in its "Quests" section.

The Journal Button OnClick() event is pointing to the Player GameObject in the scene, and firing QuestJournal.ToggleJournalUI.

The quest's Active state is set to have the Quest Title's Heading show in the Journal Text.

Really not sure what I'm missing! Any help would be appreciated.
Quest Machine Help.png
Quest Machine Help.png (92.72 KiB) Viewed 914 times
Last edited by DrewOfDonuts on Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tony Li
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Re: Tutorial Help - Quest Not Showing in Journal

Post by Tony Li »


Everything looks correct in your screenshots. I think you've narrowed down the issue pretty well: the quest doesn't end up in the player's Quest Journal component > Quests list.

Does your scene have more than one Quest Journal component? (You can enter "t:QuestJournal" in the Hierarchy window's search bar to filter on that component.)

Are you clicking the Accept button when the dialogue UI shows the quest offer?

Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

Does Quest Machine's Demo scene work correctly?
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Re: Tutorial Help - Quest Not Showing in Journal

Post by DrewOfDonuts »

I think we narrowed it down even more - I am not presented with an "Accept" option - just "Goodbye".

Just to confirm - no errors, and only one Quest Journal component in the scene, and it is working in the demo scene.

Note: I do have the Dialogue System support packages installed and components on the game objects, but not selecting any Dialogue System options in the Quest Machine components for the tutorial quest.
Quest Machine 2.png
Quest Machine 2.png (523.19 KiB) Viewed 910 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Tutorial Help - Quest Not Showing in Journal

Post by Tony Li »


Looks like you're integrating the Dialogue System.

If you haven't yet completed Tutorial 2 without the Dialogue System, I recommend doing that first. It will use Quest Machine's default dialogue UI, which comes with an Accept button.

However, if you want to go ahead with the Dialogue System integration instead, jump ahead to the Dialogue System integration tutorial. Briefly:
  • Make sure you've added a Dialogue System Quest Machine Bridge component to your Dialogue Manager.
  • In your conversation, use the Conditions fields to check the quest's state. (In the screenshot below, the red question mark icons on the nodes indicate Conditions.)
  • Use the Script field to set the quest's state.
  • You can use the "..." dropdowns to set up the Conditions and Script fields. It'll be easiest if you create an empty "stub" quest in the Dialogue Editor's Quests/Items section. Set its Name to match your quest's ID. Quest Machine won't use this stub, but it will allow the ID to appear in the "..." dropdown.
qmConversation.png (34.61 KiB) Viewed 907 times

In the example conversation above, the "I want you to explore..." node gives the quest to the player. Alternatively, you can do like the integration's example scene does and give the quest a player response node.
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Re: Tutorial Help - Quest Not Showing in Journal

Post by DrewOfDonuts »

I removed all the integration components and it worked great! I'll just continue to follow the entire series in order.

Thank you so much for the quick and clear response!
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Tony Li
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Re: Quest Not Showing in Journal [Resolved]

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! When you do get to the integrations, there's an additional integration tutorial series that covers it in more detail:

Dialogue System + Quest Machine + Love/Hate Integration Tutorial Series

(You can skip if the final tutorial in the series if you're not using Love/Hate.)
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Re: Quest Not Showing in Journal [Resolved]

Post by DrewOfDonuts »

Oh awesome! Thank you :)
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Tony Li
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Re: Quest Not Showing in Journal [Resolved]

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! If any other questions come up, don't hesitate to post.
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