can you please add an AssemblyDefinition to ur plugin?
Since ur plugin is huge, It would really speedup compile time cause Unity isn't forced to recompile it everytime for no reason.
It already has asmdefs. Look in Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/Scripts and import DialogueSystemAssemblyDefinitions.unitypackage.
The Dialogue System doesn't force devs to use asmdefs because too many asmdefs will slow down a project, and it's already compiled in the Plugins pass, so it doesn't affect compile times of anything that's outside of Plugins.
Some devs don't want to include TextMesh Pro in their projects, so the Dialogue System treats TextMesh Pro as an optional integration. If you've enabled the Dialogue System's TextMesh Pro integration, you must manually assign Unity.TextMeshPro to the PixelCrushers and DialogueSystem asmdefs. The same is true for any other optional Unity package integrations such as Cinemachine.
You can search the forums for benchmarks that people have run to test how the number of asmdefs in a project affects compile times. Once your project gets past ~30 asmdefs, the time Unity takes to determine the dependencies can sometimes take longer than just recompiling everything (disregarding the Plugins folder, which is essentially its asmdefs). This also depends on your version of Unity, since they've been improving the performance of asmdefs over time.