trouble with MoveTo() and Invector?

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trouble with MoveTo() and Invector?

Post by LeonSA »

hi! I've followed all the steps for the invector integration, and it seems to be working well. I'm running into a persistent problem tho: When I try to teleport my player using MoveTo(), the player seems to appear in random locations, possibly because of rigidbody, but I can't say for sure because it's happening regardless of gravity or sleep/wake options. Basically i haven't found any way to move my player during cutscenes.

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Tony Li
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Re: trouble with MoveTo() and Invector?

Post by Tony Li »


Invector also controls the player's position, so it will interfere with MoveTo(). You can write a custom sequencer command that uses similar code to the InvectorPositionSaver script. That code would be something like:

Code: Select all

var smooth = vThirdPersonCamera.instance.currentState.smooth;
var smoothDamp = vThirdPersonCamera.instance.currentState.smoothDamp;
vThirdPersonCamera.instance.currentState.smooth = 0;
vThirdPersonCamera.instance.currentState.smoothDamp = 0;
subject.SetPositionAndRotation(desiredPosition, desiredRotation);
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