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Post by turdle2080 »

So, let me start by saying I have been using the Dialogue System for several years now, and for the most part, it works great. I couldn't do my project without it. However, I do not understand what is causing the "Events" portion of the editor to cause Unity to run SOOOO much slower. Simply having the "Events" ticked open, causes a significant frame drop to my game. Full disclosure, I use a lot of events in my dialog, so I'm sure that is a contributing factor. If I close the "Events" drop down, the game runs smooth again.

I could live with this, but I am increasingly running into situations where I try to add an event, and Unity freezes up and I just lose a bunch of work. Just now, I lost about an hour and a half of dialog i had written when I went in to add an event, and POOF almost my entire dialog tree was gone. I tried to recover it in the back up, but it didn't exist. In fact, i suspect it got wiped trying to save to the back up.

I don't know... really frustrating, and I don't understand it. I'm sure it has to do with the amount of events I use, but I don't know what else I can do at this point, other than accept the fact that every so often (more and more), I'm just going to lose work :(
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Tony Li
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Re: Events

Post by Tony Li »


Does Unity crash, or just take an extremely long time to respond to UI input when the Events foldout is open?

I can look into making some optimizations to the way the Unity editor renders the Events foldout.
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Re: Events

Post by turdle2080 »

Unity does not crash. Typically, it runs, but everything is slower when the foldout is open. That includes running the game, or just trying to edit/add dialog, so i typically just close it when I don't need it open. As I stated, more and more, I will click to add an event, Unity will stall for a couple of seconds and then suddenly my dialog is gone. This has probably happened to me 7-10 times. Most of the time it has been relatively minor, like I lose a couple of nodes. But a few of them have been pretty significant setbacks.

I was able to recover once because it was mostly saved in the back-up, but this time it wasn't. By the way, is there a way to revert the current save to the back-up? I couldn't see how and just ended up copying and pasting the nodes. And I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but event data is not copy and pasted along with the nodes.
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Tony Li
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Re: Events

Post by Tony Li »


There's no built-in way to revert to the backup. The backup is just a copy of the database at a point in time. You can delete the original, duplicate the backup to make a new original, and then assign the new original to your Dialogue Manager.

You've probably already done this, but close the Events foldout except when you need to edit it. I don't know why you're losing nodes. I'll investigate that when I optimize the editor code for the Events foldout. Have you tried backing up your project and updating to the latest version? It won't speed up the Events foldout, but if there's a bug it might be fixed in a newer version of the Dialogue System than the one you're using.
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Re: Events

Post by turdle2080 »

Sorry, one other thing that has been an issue, is that adding events seems to always wipe out any changes to my node unless I click off of that node and then go back to it. If I create a node, add some dialog to it and then say, a condition or script, then I click to add an event, everything I just added gets wiped out. The dialog, the condition and the script. It's just on that one node, and like I said, I can avoid this if I enter the these things, click off of the node and then return to add the event.

I'm basically so used to this at this point, I have trained myself not do this, but if you're looking at optimizing the events, I thought I should bring that up.
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Tony Li
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Re: Events

Post by Tony Li »

I'll definitely investigate that. Nothing in the Dialogue Editor should ever cause it to lose data except for intentional actions like select Menu > Delete Conversation.

What versions of Unity and the Dialogue System are you using?
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Re: Events

Post by turdle2080 »

Well, I just updated to latest version of Dialogue System after my issue this afternoon. But I still have same slow down and data loss when adding events. I'm using Unity 2021.1.10f1

Would it be useful for me to send you my dialogue file?
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Tony Li
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Re: Events

Post by Tony Li »


Thanks, but no need. I'm aware of performance with the Events foldout. Hopefully if I can boost the performance the issues will go away.
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