I am working on a VR project using the VRIF (VR Interaction Framework) and Quest Machine.
I will need 2 types of Canvas:
1) Screen Space - Overlay: For HUD to be always displayed
2) World Space render mode: Only to display the Quest Dialogue UI
My Question is: How can I separate the HUD UI from Dialogue UI and make them into 2 types of Canvas so that they would show up right using Quest Machine?
You can just separate them. There's no requirement that any of Quest Machine HUDs must be inside the Quest Machine GameObject's Canvas. They can be in any Canvases you want. Just remember to assign them to the Quest Machine GameObject's Default Dialogue UI, Default HUD, etc., fields so Quest Machine knows where to find them.
Thank you for your guidance, I have separated HUD and AlertUI from quest machine canvas. Currently, HUD works quite well in my project. However, AlertUI can't show as expected. Here is part of the error log.
Let me know if it gets rid of the error message. Also please let me know if the alert doesn't show up. It does some extra checking to prevent the error message, but it's possible that the root issue is a a configuration error in your quest.