AudioWait(Voiceover/Ivy/ivy00012_01)->Message(AudioDone); -- Plays the audio and waits until it's done. Then sends the sequencer command "AudioDone".
Delay(1)@Message(AudioDone)->Message(DelayDone); -- Waits until it receives the sequencer message "AudioDone". Then delays 1 second. Finally, sends the sequencer message "DelayDone".
SendMessage(OnUse, Ivy)@Message(DelayDone) -- Waits until it receives the sequencer message "DelayDone". Then sends the OnUse message.
If your bark sequences are going to get more complicated than this, you may find it easier to write a custom sequencer command that does all of the steps or use a scrubbing editor such as SLATE, Cinema Director, or uSequencer.