Hello, currently i trying to make a game using this asset but i coming across a couple of things that i want to change but not sure how.
I trying to make a dialogue that works like this
Basically a simple press enter or A on a controller to progress the dialogue.
Maybe with the image setup as well.
I just asking because i kinda making this game with a very linear set in mind so i wasn't really planning on the character responding
Last thing how would i disable players and bosses from moving till dialog is over. that way theres no accidental boss kills player while talking
Reconfiguring the way dialogue works
Re: Reconfiguring the way dialogue works
In your dialogue UI, tick Auto Focus at the very bottom of the Unity UI Dialogue UI component.
If you want to map a different set of inputs to the continue button, then in your dialogue UI find the continue button(s). Add a UI Button Key Trigger, and set the Button and/or Key fields. I'm assuming you're using Unity UI. The procedure is similar for other GUI systems; if you're using a different GUI system and get stuck, just let me know.
Inspect the Dialogue Manager, and set Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Continue Mode to Always.Xanmoas wrote:press enter or A on a controller to progress the dialogue.
In your dialogue UI, tick Auto Focus at the very bottom of the Unity UI Dialogue UI component.
If you want to map a different set of inputs to the continue button, then in your dialogue UI find the continue button(s). Add a UI Button Key Trigger, and set the Button and/or Key fields. I'm assuming you're using Unity UI. The procedure is similar for other GUI systems; if you're using a different GUI system and get stuck, just let me know.
This Unity forum post contains an example of showing both participants' portrait images at the same time. It also includes a script that grays out whoever is not speaking. You don't have to use that script if you don't want to. You can also add animations to the panels and the continue button using standard Unity UI and Animator functionality.Xanmoas wrote:Maybe with the image setup as well.
Add a Set Component Enabled On Dialogue Event component to the player. Assign the components that you want to disable during conversations. See the Player in the Feature Demo scene for an example. If you prefer to handle it in a script, you can add a script that handles OnConversationStart and OnConversationEnd script messages.Xanmoas wrote:Last thing how would i disable players and bosses from moving till dialog is over. that way theres no accidental boss kills player while talking
Re: Reconfiguring the way dialogue works
Well that worked,
So am i able to reposition the UI like move the dialogue box from the top to the bottom?
Just need to know when i have to design the UI boxes
So am i able to reposition the UI like move the dialogue box from the top to the bottom?
Just need to know when i have to design the UI boxes
Re: Reconfiguring the way dialogue works
Absolutely. You can resize and reposition the boxes, combine them, change their background textures, whatever you want to do. Click here to see a sample of some of the example prefabs provided in the Dialogue System. There are lot of different layouts, including a wheel response menu and speech bubbles above characters' heads.
Re: Reconfiguring the way dialogue works
Cool, Last question i just picked the JRPG2 prefab but what if i wanted two images to appear at once and have the one talking 1 alpha while the npc is 0.5 alpha