Dialogue trees voiceover

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Dialogue trees voiceover

Post by thecodehermit »

Lets say I have the script ready in the conversations tab, with all the conversation branches and so on. But now I want to get those lines voiced. How do I give those lines to the voice actor in such a way that both me and him wont get totally confused. Ideally I would like to send him smth like this:


1 way would be for me to make multiple screenshots of the conversation tab and then combine them and send the result to him. The problem with this is that I have to do it by hand AND that the dialogue system for unity doesnt actually display all the text in the boxes, but just a preview.

Another way would be for both of us to install some third party software for this purpose. The problem with that is I dont see the voice actors installing some shady software on their machines just for this.

So to my question... What is the professional way of doing this ? I would prefer an online tool that doesn't require any installation or if I can convert all the dialogue boxes to one big image.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue trees voiceover

Post by Tony Li »


On the Dialogue Editor's Database tab, expand the Export Database foldout. Export a Voiceover Script. This will create an Excel spreadsheet with one line of dialogue per row. Each row will also have an Entrytag value. (Before exporting, you can choose the Entrytag format you prefer.)

Ask your voice actor(s) to record those lines and save them using the Entrytag as the filename.

Put those files in a Resources folder or assetbundle, or mark them as Addressable. (That last one requires Unity's Addressable package.)

Then you can use sequencer commands such as AudioWait(entrytag) or SALSA(entrytag) to play them. For example, the demo scene's Dialogue Manager > Camera & Cutscene Settings > Default Sequence is set to:

Code: Select all

AudioWait(entrytag); Delay({{end}})
If you've added and removed a lot of nodes, their internal IDs might not be in sequential order. You may want to reorder your conversations' IDs so they appear in a more sensible order when you export.

You can also export a Screenplay format to accompany the Voiceover Script if you think that would help the voice actor(s).
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Re: Dialogue trees voiceover

Post by thecodehermit »

Will try that, thanks for the help.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue trees voiceover

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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