One approach is to stop the current conversation and start the new one. Add a method that runs when the player clicks on an inventory item. In that method, check if a conversation is active. If so, stop the conversation and start a new conversation. For example, something like:
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using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
public void AskAboutItem(Item item)
if (DialogueManager.isConversationActive)
string conversationTitle = "Ask About " +;
DialogueManager.StartConversation(conversationTitle, DialogueManager.currentActor, DialogueManager.currentConversant);
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using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
private string previousConversationTitle = string.Empty;
private int previousEntryID;
private Transform previousActor, previousConversant;
public void AskAboutItem(Item item)
if (DialogueManager.isConversationActive)
previousConversationTitle = DialogueManager.lastConversationStarted;
previousEntryID =;
previousActor = DialogueManager.currentActor;
previousConversant = DialogueManager.currentConversant;
string conversationTitle = "Ask About " +;
DialogueManager.StartConversation(conversationTitle, DialogueManager.currentActor, DialogueManager.currentConversant);
DialogueManager.instance.conversationEnded += ResumePreviousConversation;
public void ResumePreviousConversation(Transform actor)
DialogueManager.instance.conversationEnded += ResumePreviousConversation;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousConversationTitle))
DialogueManager.StartConversation(previousConversationTitle, previousActor, previousConversant, previousEntryID);
previousConversationTitle = string.Empty;
Alternatively, you can keep the original conversation going. Instead of that code above, tell the current conversation to switch to the first entry in the item conversation. Before starting the item conversation, we'll push the current conversation position onto a Conversation Position Stack. The last node of the item conversation should call PopConversationPosition() in its Script to return to the previously-pushed position. This approach assumes you've added a ConversationPositionStack component to the Dialogue Manager.
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public void AskAboutItem(Item item)
if (DialogueManager.isConversationActive)
string conversationTitle = "Ask About " +;
var conversation = DialogueManager.GetConversation(conversationTitle);
var startEntry = conversation.GetFirstDialogueEntry();
var firstRealEntry = DialogueManager.GetDialogueEntry(startEntry.outgoingLinks[0]);
var newState = DialogueManager.conversationModel.GetState(firstRealEntry);