Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

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Tony Li
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by Tony Li »

If you wouldn't mind sending some test Ink files to tony (at), I can make sure that the pickers work the way you want with your exact files.
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by nehvaleem »

Sure, I've sent you the sample that isn't working as expected with INK_FULLPATHS.
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Tony Li
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks! I received it.
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by nehvaleem »

You know what would be absolutely great? If the levels in the picker were joined if there are no other options in each level. For example in my case Levels/Singleplayer/001 AAA/001 AAA/ could be a single option, without the need of going 4 levels deep in the list.
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Tony Li
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by Tony Li »

Good thought. I'll add that. Would you please list the menu structure that you'd like to see, at least for the first few items/files in your example Ink files? You can use indentation to indicate a submenu.

For example, something like:

(I haven't had a chance to look at your files, so I'm making up knots.)

Code: Select all

Levels/Singleplayer/001 AAA/001 AAA/ (menu option)
Levels/Singleplayer/ (submenu)
    003 YYY/Story/Dialogues/01_village (menu option)
    003 YYY/Story/Dialogues/01_village (submenu)
        village_entrance (menu option)
        village_council (menu option)
    003 YYY/Story/Dialogues/02_crossroads (menu option)
    004 ZZZ/Story/Dialogues/01_battlefield (menu option)
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by nehvaleem »

I would imagine something like this:

Code: Select all

Levels/Singleplayer/001 AAA/001 AAA/001 (submenu) // this is the file in this path
	knot AA (menu option)
	knot AB (menu option)
	knot AB (submenu)
		stitch ABA (menu option)
	knot AC (menu option)
Levels/Singleplayer/003 BBB/Story/Dialogues (submenu) 
	01_village (submenu) // this is the file
	        knot 01BA (menu option)
       		knot 01BB (menu option)
       		knot 01BB (submenu)
        		stitch BBA (menu option)
	02_crossroads (submenu) // this is the file
	        knot 02BA (menu option)
       		knot 02BB (menu option)
Levels/Singleplayer/004 CCC/Story/Dialogues/01_XXX (submenu) // this is the file
	knot 04AA
And so on. Does it make any sense? So basically, I would expect the submenus for each ink file that is being included. They should be grouped in the submenu with the common path (as Levels/Singleplayer/003 BBB/Story/Dialogues in my example). The last steps are knots and stitches in that file.
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Tony Li
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks! I'll try to get the submenus to look like that or as close as possible.
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by nehvaleem »

It's been a while. How it's going?
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Tony Li
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by Tony Li »

I haven't forgotten you! :-) Just balancing a long task list. I had scheduled the work for today and tomorrow, so I should have something to check by the end of day tomorrow.
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Tony Li
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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Post by Tony Li »

Hi - Just checking to make sure you received my email from March 16 that fixes these 2 issues:

1) It doesn't list the stitches for me, only the knots
2) it does not process the paths, leading to the paths like "game/story/../levels/"
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