To check if a quest state use QuestLog.GetQuestState().
To check a variable, use DialogueLua.GetVariable(). Since Lua variables can be any type, use one of these properties at the end of GetVariable() to specify the type of variable: asBool, asInt, asFloat, or asString.
You can also use [QuestPopup] and [VariablePopup] attributes to make the inspector use popup menus for quest and variable fields.
Here's an example:
Code: Select all
[QuestPopup] public string requiredQuest;
public QuestState requiredQuestState = QuestState.Success;
[VariablePopup] public string requiredVariable;
public bool requiredVariableValue = true;
public string destinationScene;
public string spawnpoint;
public bool AreRequirementsMet()
return (requiredQuest == "" || QuestLog.GetQuestState(requiredQuest) == requiredQuestState) &&
(requiredVariable == "" || DialogueLua.GetVariable(requiredVariable).asBool == requiredVariableValue));
public void TryUseDoor()
if (AreRequirementsMet())
PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.LoadScene(destinationScene + "@" + spawnpoint);
DialogueManager.ShowAlert("You can't use this door yet.");