Getting Lively Chat Bubbles Working

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Re: Getting Lively Chat Bubbles Working

Post by Adam_LM »

Hi Tony,
Thanks for spotting that - I have updated the Prefab so that the ChatBubble Caitlin is active, but am still getting the same error message at the time of Caitlin's dialogue.
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Tony Li
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Re: Getting Lively Chat Bubbles Working

Post by Tony Li »

I just set up AC's demo character Tin Pot to use a Lively Chat Bubble Subtitle Panel. These are the steps I used, which might serve as a checklist of sorts:
  • Added a GameObject to use as a Chat Anchor. You can add the Chat Anchor component to an empty GameObject or some other GameObject in Caitlin's hierarchy.
  • Added a Canvas GameObject as a child, and an instance of the ChatBubbleSilver prefab to the Canvas.
  • Added a Subtitle Panel GameObject as a child, and added a Lively Chat Bubble Subtitle Panel.
    • Assign the Canvas.
      Assigned the instance of ChatBubbleSilver to the Chat Bubble field.
    • Left the Chat Bubble Prefab field unassigned.
    • Assigned the Chat Anchor.
    • Added an Audio Source and assigned it.
    • Assigned the Chat Output Profile.
To test it, I added a Dialogue Manager to the Demo scene, wrote a short conversation, and set up a Dialogue System Trigger.

If that doesn't help, can you send a reproduction project to tony (at)
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Tony Li
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Re: Getting Lively Chat Bubbles Working

Post by Tony Li »

Recapping the solution found via email:

The AC Third Party: Dialogue System Conversation action's Actor field pointed to the player prefab. The solution is to leave the Actor field blank so the action can find the actual player GameObject in the scene.
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Re: Getting Lively Chat Bubbles Working

Post by Adam_LM »

Hi Tony,
Thanks for your help with this - the solution worked perfectly! I was also able to get the (screenwide, invisible) Continue Button working. The only thing I notice is that the continue button sometimes causes the first piece of dialogue to skip if I click on the hotspot when I'm already standing at the marker (e.g., if I had just run through the conversation already). It seems like this is because the Continue Button activates on the release of the mouse click, whereas the hotspot activates on the click, so the release of the hotspot click is causing the first speech bubble to be skipped, if that makes sense. I am wondering if it is possible in Unity to configure the Button so that it activates on the click (rather than release). If not I may just have to live with it as is.

Thanks again,
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Tony Li
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Re: Getting Lively Chat Bubbles Working

Post by Tony Li »


The easiest way to resolve this is to add a Wait action to the beginning of your hotpot's action list. You only need to wait 1 frame to give time for Unity to clear the mouse info, so any very small amount of time would be fine.
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