Persistent Data Settings - whats going on behind the scenes?

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Persistent Data Settings - whats going on behind the scenes?

Post by Jamez0r »

On the Dialogue System Controller, the "Persistent Data Settings" section - I'm curious what is going on behind the scenes here.

Mine is set to Record Persistent Data On: "All Game Objects" (by default?). Does this only apply to gameobjects with "saver" components attached to them? Or is anything else being automatically recorded?

I have one single saver (that "Game Slot Summary Saver" from this post: ... f=3&t=2594), which is on the DialogueManager gameobject itself. I don't have any other savers in the scene.

Should I change that Record Persistent Data On setting to No Game Objects? Just want to make sure that there isn't a bunch of unnecessary stuff going on behind the scenes with how I have it configured.

Thanks Tony!!
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Tony Li
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Re: Persistent Data Settings - whats going on behind the scenes?

Post by Tony Li »


Short answer:

Set it to Only Registered GameObjects.


Detailed answer:

This chart:


is from Save System Overview Flowchart.

What it doesn't show is the persistent data stuff, which is all a part of the "Dialogue System data" box.

The Dialogue System used to have its own save system, which is now just a subset of the improved Pixel Crushers Save System.

The Dialogue Manager's Persistent Data Settings apply to the Dialogue System's save system. The checkboxes specify what parts of the Lua environment (actor fields, quest states, SimStatus values, etc.) to send to the Dialogue System Saver. Other special components called persistent data components can also send stuff to the Dialogue System Saver. The names of these component usually start with "Persistent", such as "PersistentActiveData". The "Record Persistent Data On" dropdown specifies whether the Dialogue System Saver should:
  • Ignore persistent data components (No GameObjects)
  • Only record data on persistent data components that have registered themselves as being present (Only Registered)
  • Or search the entire scene for persistent data components even if they haven't registered as being present (All GOs)
I recommend setting it to Only Registered GameObjects just in case you decide to use a persistent data component in the future. If you don't have any, it has no more impact than No GameObjects.
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Re: Persistent Data Settings - whats going on behind the scenes?

Post by Jamez0r »

Thanks for the detailed answer! I see that I was getting the Persistent Data Components mixed up with the "Saver" types.

I'll do the "Only Registered" option ;)
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