Typewriter text flickering?

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Typewriter text flickering?

Post by neohazardous »

I'm experiencing an issue where before the typewriter effect plays, the full dialogue from that node will flash in the UI briefly. After that brief flash, it will play out the dialogue as intended. This happens on and off between levels and during conversations. Some nodes will do it, some wont. And it will happen and suddenly stop without having changed the conversation. Some levels do it, some dont. I've been searching for the reason for days and I honestly have no clue why its happening. Ive checked dialogue managers, dialogue actors, dialogue databases, etc. and the settings are consistent throughout the levels. So I don't know what exactly is causing this brief flicker. Any answers or advice would be much appreciated!
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Tony Li
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Re: Typewriter text flickering?

Post by Tony Li »


Make sure the typewriter effect's Play On Enable checkbox is UNticked.

Then back up your project and update to the latest version of the Dialogue System. You may also want to update to the patch available on the Dialogue System Extras page (in the "Updated for 2.2.13" foldout). Or wait a couple of days and update to 2.2.14, which has additional improvements and fixes.
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Re: Typewriter text flickering?

Post by neohazardous »

Thanks! I guess I had a misundersanding of what that toggle did. It definitely improved things a lot. And thanks for the heads up on the patch!
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Tony Li
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Re: Typewriter text flickering?

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! Version 2.2.14 is out, so you might want to use that instead of the patch.
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