QuestMachine integration
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:48 pm
QuestMachine integration
Hi, I'm having trouble finding info on how to use these together, do I use the prefabs for Dialogue System or the prefabs for Quest Machine? Can't find a starting point and quite confused by it all currently! Thanks for any help 

- Posts: 42
- Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:48 pm
Re: QuestMachine integration
Have found a video, but any extra tips would be very appreciated, thanks guys! 

- Posts: 42
- Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:48 pm
Re: QuestMachine integration
Okay, first am I having to use Corgi Integration if I want the UI to respond to the main character, as it is instantiated after play is started? I am hoping to avoid this as it throws an error... Thanks for any help 

Re: QuestMachine integration
The Quest Machine video tutorials are here: Quest Machine Video Tutorials
There's a tutorial on Dialogue System integration. If you import Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Quest Machine / Third Party Support / Dialogue System Support.unitypackage, you will also find a PDF manual in a folder named Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Quest Machine / Third Party Support / Dialogue System Support.
Your scene should have the Quest Machine prefab and the Dialogue Manager prefab.
For Corgi integration:
1. Make sure your player (that is, the GameObject with the Quest Journal component) is tagged 'Player'.
2. Configure your Quest Giver NPCs to use QuestGiver.StartDialogueWithPlayer(). This method will find the player by its tag, so it's fine if the player is instantiated after play has started.
3. If you're using the save system to retain data across scene changes and in saved games, set the Save System component's Frames To Wait Before Apply Data to at least 1. This will give Corgi time to instantiate the player before the save system looks for the player to apply its save data. The Save System component can be on the Dialogue Manager (that's the typical place), or the Quest Machine GameObject, or even a separate GameObject if you prefer. But there should only be one Save System component in the scene.
The Quest Machine video tutorials are here: Quest Machine Video Tutorials
There's a tutorial on Dialogue System integration. If you import Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Quest Machine / Third Party Support / Dialogue System Support.unitypackage, you will also find a PDF manual in a folder named Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Quest Machine / Third Party Support / Dialogue System Support.
Your scene should have the Quest Machine prefab and the Dialogue Manager prefab.
For Corgi integration:
1. Make sure your player (that is, the GameObject with the Quest Journal component) is tagged 'Player'.
2. Configure your Quest Giver NPCs to use QuestGiver.StartDialogueWithPlayer(). This method will find the player by its tag, so it's fine if the player is instantiated after play has started.
3. If you're using the save system to retain data across scene changes and in saved games, set the Save System component's Frames To Wait Before Apply Data to at least 1. This will give Corgi time to instantiate the player before the save system looks for the player to apply its save data. The Save System component can be on the Dialogue Manager (that's the typical place), or the Quest Machine GameObject, or even a separate GameObject if you prefer. But there should only be one Save System component in the scene.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:48 pm
Re: QuestMachine integration
Thank you! Very helpful 

Re: QuestMachine integration
Glad to help!