If that 0.029-second delay is too long, you could replace those variable comparisons with a custom Lua function such as:
that involves less parsing and evaluation of arrays.
Or, to completely bypass it in the worst case, here are two options:
1. Don't use Dialogue System Trigger. In the script that sets flight_event_current_event, you could instead use DialogueManager.BarkString() to bark a different string for each value. If you don't want to specify the string in the script/inspector (to separate code from data and/or handle localization), you can use a StringField, and assign an element in a Text Table asset to it.
2. Or separate your flight conversation into separate conversations, perhaps based on the current event number (Test Flight 1, Test Flight 2, etc). Don't use Dialogue System Trigger. In your script, call DialogueManager.StartConversation("Test Flight " + currentEventNumber).