Tony Li wrote:Yes, you can add an Animator component to the world space UI and animate it. I'll try to put an example of this in the updated RPG Kit Support package.
Well its 3.1.2 now u can make example today or tomorrow
I'll try to make it available as soon as possible. I'm working as fast as I can on the next update.
Ahh man i wish i can get before new year i working 12h a day on project
When you set up your character, it's okay if it shows both markers. The Overhead Icon Controller component will hide all of them at runtime, except for the one that you've assigned to Starting Icon.
In your Script field, make sure to pass two string parameters (in double-quotes):
1. The name of your NPC GameObject, and
2. The name of the icon (e.g., "Question").
For example, if your NPC is named Gandalf, set the Script field to:
When you set up your character, it's okay if it shows both markers. The Overhead Icon Controller component will hide all of them at runtime, except for the one that you've assigned to Starting Icon.
In your Script field, make sure to pass two string parameters (in double-quotes):
1. The name of your NPC GameObject, and
2. The name of the icon (e.g., "Question").
For example, if your NPC is named Gandalf, set the Script field to:
If that doesn't help, please post a few details of your NPC's setup. Thanks!
I add the prefab of Overhead UI the the NPC like this
and then i setup what mark shell be first shown but there is no rotation too anyway in dialogue database i set on first to show question mark but it wont show
Also, disable the Look At Main Camera component on the Overhead UI. It overrides the animation.
Ok i imported clip to both markers now they rotate and then i rename in DB everything works but on first shows exclamation marker ?? not the question Mark when i open the guide then shows the question mark ?
Also, disable the Look At Main Camera component on the Overhead UI. It overrides the animation.
Ok i imported clip to both markers now they rotate and then i rename in DB everything works but on first shows exclamation marker ?? not the question Mark when i open the guide then shows the question mark ?
I'll look into this later today and reply back here.