How To: Show Portrait Name Only For First Line

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

How To: Show Portrait Name Only For First Line

Post by Tony Li »

Someone asked how to show actors' portrait names only the first time they speak in a conversation. If you don't mind doing a little scripting, you can do this automatically with a bit of code.

One way is to subclass StandardDialogueUI and override Open() and ShowSubtitle().

Override Open() to initialize a list of actors for which you've already shown their name:

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private HashSet<int> actorNamesShown = new HashSet<int>(); // List of actor IDs.
public override void Open()
Override ShowSubtitle() to enable the subtitle panel's Portrait Name text element if the actor's name hasn't been shown yet, and disable it if it's been shown:

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public override ShowSubtitle(Subtitle subtitle)
    DialogueActor dialogueActor;
    var subtitlePanel = conversationUIElements.standardSubtitleControls.GetPanel(subtitle, out dialogueActor);
    subtitlePanel.portraitName.enabled = !actorNamesShown(;
If you're showing portrait names using the subtitle panel's Add Speaker Name checkbox, replace the portraitName.enabled line with a line to set the addSpeakerName bool instead

Alternatively, you can skip all that and add a small script the characters' GameObjects that uses OnConversationStart and OnConversationLine methods to prepend the actor's name to the subtitle text:

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public class PrependNameToFirstLine : MonoBehaviour
    public bool firstLine;
    // Note: This only work for the conversation's two primary participants.
    void OnConversationStart(Transform actor)
        firstLine = true;
    void OnConversationLine(Subtitle subtitle)
        if (firstLine) subtitle.formattedText.text = subtitle.speakerInfo.Name + ": " + subtitle.formattedText.text;
        firstLine = false;
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