My NPC has a reaction animation set up in the same way as in the Love/Hate example scene. Essentially, you can buy him a drink by talking to a bartender, that deed should trigger a happy animation.
Code: Select all
public void OnWitnessDeed(Rumor rumor)
if (factionMember == null || rumor == null) return;
if (rumor.pleasure < -0.25)
else if (rumor.pleasure > 0.25)

I have a dialog option that triggers the deed:

This works the first time I do it. The dialog option fires the deed off, and the happy animation plays. But if I repeat the process again, when I select the dialog option that fires the deed, the game remains paused.
Through some debugging, I have found that the Love/Hate GameTime is staying paused. The Dialog time system seems to be unpausing normally. All the animations and character controllers stay paused after the second attempt at firing the deed. I read the forums to find anything similar and tried the patch in the extras section, but that doesn't work as well.
Does anyone have any idea how to address this?
Thanks for any help.