Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

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Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

Post by dhishii »

I'm using the dialogue system to create subtitles in a scene. They work fine in the editor, but they don't appear in the Quest when I build it. I've tried changing the the Canvas to World Space, Screen Space - Camera, and Screen Space - Overlay, but nothing changes. Does anyone know why this is happening?
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Tony Li
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Re: Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

Post by Tony Li »


The usual explanation is that the Dialogue System is setting the UI Text elements correctly, but the Text elements or the entire canvas aren't visible for some reason.

Screen Space - Overlay is not visible in VR.

To use Screen Space - Camera, you must use assign the VR camera to the canvas.

World Space is generally the easiest to get working in VR. However, it's possible that the build is using a slightly different font or font size, and it's sizing the text so that it's slightly too big for the UI Text element's Rect Transform.

Here are some things to check:
  • Try making your canvas and Rect Transforms bigger.
  • Check the shaders being used for your Text elements. Sometimes these get changed to a shader that doesn't render anything visible.
  • When you play the build, examine the output log file for any errors or warnings.
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Re: Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

Post by dhishii »

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the help! It turns out another asset we are using was interfering with the camera so that was the problem.

I had another question regarding the subtitles. I set up the subtitles using the method you gave me, Thread "Bark Sequence Only Run Once". I have a long sentence using the subtitles and it is linked with audio. Is there a way to clear the subtitles after a certain amount of characters so I won't have to split up the audio file?
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Tony Li
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Re: Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

Post by Tony Li »


Nothing is built in to do that. But you could make the subtitle scroll. (See the WRPG dialogue UI for an example of a UI that scrolls.)

Or you could split it up and use the Audio() command instead of AudioWait() to allow the audio to play across both nodes.

A quick way to split nodes is to insert a vertical pipe character where you want to split, such as:
"Sentence 1. | Sentence 2."
Then select Menu > Split Pipes Into Nodes.

In the first node, start the audio with this Sequence:

Code: Select all

{{default}}; Audio(My Long Voiceover)
In the second node, use AudioStop() to make sure the audio stops even if the player skips ahead:

Code: Select all

required AudioStop()@9999
I made some assumptions here. It assumes the remainder of the audio will take 3 seconds, at which point it will advance the conversation. If you always wait for a continue button click, you can remove "Continue()@3". The AudioStop() will stop the audio at the 9999-second mark. However, if the conversation advances before then -- either because of Continue()@3 or because the player clicked the continue button -- then the "required" keyword guarantees that it stops the audio.
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Re: Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

Post by dhishii »

Thanks! The subtitle scroll was just what I was thinking about
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Tony Li
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Re: Subtitles and Barks not appearing for VR in the Quest

Post by Tony Li »

Sounds good. There are a few ways to scroll. This post has an example of how to scroll with the typewriter effect in case it's of any help for you.
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