Dialogue System + Playmaker error: CS0246 SOLVED!

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Dialogue System + Playmaker error: CS0246 SOLVED!

Post by erasmo.rayon »

Hello. I'm working on a visual novel and I just bought the Dialogue System for Unity (DSU). Here's a step-by-step guide of my problem:

1. I'm using Unity 2019.2.2f1

2. Created a new 2D project with the sole purpose of testing the compatibility of Playmaker and DSU

3. Imported Playmaker 1.9.0 and DSU (not sure which version). There are no other assets or packages in this project.

4. Imported the Third Party Support / Playmaker Support package from the DSU

5. Console instantly reports 164 errors, all of them say "error: CS0246. The type or namespace name 'xxxxxxxxxx' could not be found (are you using a missing directive or an assembly reference? *see attached screenshot*
  • 5.1. The 'xxxxxxxxxx' part refers to numerous terms like "HutongGames", "FsmStateAction", "ActionCategory", etc.
I didn't create any other game object or script, or conversation or anything else, I simply imported Playmaker and the DSU. I'm not a programmer so I've no idea what a missing directive or an assembly reference is. What does this mean and how can I fix these errors?
Error.png (250.43 KiB) Viewed 1425 times
Last edited by erasmo.rayon on Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System + Playmaker error: CS0246

Post by Tony Li »


Thanks for buying the Dialogue System!

That error message means PlayMaker isn't fully installed. Please try these steps:

1. Delete the folder Assets/Pixel Crushers.

2. Reinstall PlayMaker. Installing PlayMaker is a two step process. When you import PlayMaker from the Asset Store, it only imports the PlayMaker installer. Then select menu item PlayMaker > Welcome Screen. This will open the "Welcome to PlayMaker" window. Click "Install PlayMaker".

3. Confirm that PlayMaker is working correctly. Then import the Dialogue System's third party support packages for PlayMaker.
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Re: Dialogue System + Playmaker error: CS0246

Post by erasmo.rayon »

Ok, that worked beautifully. Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System + Playmaker error: CS0246 SOLVED!

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! :-)
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