Input Field on Dialogue Triggers

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Input Field on Dialogue Triggers

Post by OneManOnMars »


I am having a very unusual problem. After upgrading from 1.7 to 2.2 whenever I activate a dialogue an Input Filed comes up, but only on the Nintendo Switch. So it does not happen in the unity editor. This never happened on the old version and I could not find any settings on the new Trigger Component. Do you have any idea what could trigger this?
When I am in a trigger area in the conversation and hit "B" or move the left analog stick the input field comes up. Very strange indeed.

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Tony Li
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Re: Input Field on Dialogue Triggers

Post by Tony Li »


I haven't seen that before. But I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it.

Are you using UnityUIDialogueUI, or did you switch up to version 2's StandardDialogueUI?

If you're using StandardDialogueUI and your UI has a Text Field UI, make sure it's using StandardTextFieldUI and not the older UnityUITextFieldUI.

Can you determine whether it's the dialogue UI's Text Field UI or a different input field? (You could change the appearance of the dialogue UI's Text Field UI to make it obvious whether it's the one showing or not.) If you're not using the TextInput() sequencer command in your game, you could just delete the Text Field UI from your dialogue UI to eliminate it as a possibilty.

Can you make a dev build and grab the log from the Switch?
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Re: Input Field on Dialogue Triggers

Post by OneManOnMars »

Thank you Tony for your good response it helped me find the little checkmark called interactable on the Input Field. Not sure why this was suddenly active but it seems to solve the problem simply deactivating it.
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Tony Li
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Re: Input Field on Dialogue Triggers

Post by Tony Li »

Strange that unticking that checkbox fixed it, but I'm glad it's working now.
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