Dialogue System 2.2.1 Released

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Tony Li
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Dialogue System 2.2.1 Released

Post by Tony Li »

Version 2.2.1 is now available on the Unity Asset Store!

If you're using version 2.2.0, please update to this version. It fixes the SetActive() sequencer command, which was broken in 2.2.0. It also provides several improvements to dialogue UIs and barks, and updates to third party integrations such as articy:draft.

Release Notes:

  • Fixed SetActive() sequencer command (broken in v2.2.0).
  • DialogueManager.BarkString() sequences now support {{end}} keyword.
  • Removed Destroy() delay when aborting active sequencer commands.
  • Standard UI:
    • Improved subtitle panel focus/unfocus handling.
    • Make StandardUISubtitlePanel.StartTypingWhenFocused is now virtual.
    • Exposed StandardUISubtitlePanel.accumulatedText.
    • Exposed StandardBarkUI properties as protected.
    • Added static utility function ConversationView.GetDefaultDuration.
    • Fixed portrait issue in response menu if NPC portraits were assigned but no player portrait was assigned.
Third Party Support:
  • articy:draft:
    • Jumps are now converted as group nodes unless they have an output pin script. (Return to pre-2.1.10 behavior.)
    • Added option to convert slots to Technical Name.
    • Converter window now saves Other Script Fields value.
    • Lua functions such as getProp() now work with property names that include feature name.
    • self keyword now points to Dialog[#] dialogue entry, not speaker. (speaker keyword points to speaker actor.)
    • Fixed runtime conversion of reference strips to subtables when the reference strip was empty./
      • Chat Mapper: Fixed dialogue entry non-Normal Condition Priority not being correctly imported to link priorities.
      • Corgi Platformer Engine: Updated for v6.0; added "Hide Prompt Only During Conversation" checkbox; re-shows prompt as soon as conversation ends.
      • ORK: Updated for 2.26.
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Re: Dialogue System 2.2.1 Released

Post by Rallix »

Thank you very much for this. This is great! :)
Posts: 69
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:44 am

Re: Dialogue System 2.2.1 Released

Post by _marc »

Thank you, the articy update is really welcome :)
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Tony Li
Posts: 21059
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: Dialogue System 2.2.1 Released

Post by Tony Li »

If you notice any issues or edge cases I missed in the articy improvements, please let me know. I think I got to everything on the list.
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