im making a own QuestPopup because i have may component who need se quest name, so instead of put the below code for each class i create a CustomPropertyDrawer how put the fieldObject of the database so only need to puto the attribute [QuestPopup] where i need it.
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public class ClassEditor: Editor {
public void OnEnable() {
// If EditorTools.selectedDatabase isn't set, try to use DialogueManager.initialDatabase:
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
// Your custom GUI stuff goes here, or call this for the default GUI:
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public class QuestPopupDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public DialogueDatabase selectedDatabase;
public QuestPicker questPicker = null;
public override void OnGUI (Rect p, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
Rect dbRect = new Rect (p.x, p.y, p.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
Rect questRect = new Rect(p.x, p.y+18, p.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
EditorGUI.BeginProperty (p, label, property);
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck ();
selectedDatabase = EditorGUI.ObjectField(dbRect, new GUIContent("Reference Database", "Database to use for pop-up menus"), selectedDatabase, typeof(DialogueDatabase), false) as DialogueDatabase;
if (selectedDatabase == null)
EditorGUI.PropertyField (questRect, property);
questPicker = new QuestPicker (selectedDatabase, property.stringValue, true);
questPicker.Draw (questRect);
property.stringValue = questPicker.currentQuest;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
EditorGUI.EndProperty ();
public override float GetPropertyHeight (SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
return base.GetPropertyHeight (property, label) + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
edit: this line "property.stringValue = questPicker.currentQuest;" fix the value selection, but not the toogle issue and other thing is if i select other gameobject the database reference is lost.