DOTween support
DOTween support
Is there support for using the DOTween library for animations instead of the mechanim? If so, where can I learn more? Thanks
Re: DOTween support
There isn't a dedicated integration package for DOTween. What would you use DOTween for? You could write one or more custom sequencer commands to call DOTween in conversations. If you want to use DOTween instead of animation clips to animate the dialogue UI, you can hook it up to the dialogue UI panels' OnOpen() and OnClose() events.
Re: DOTween support
I'd want to use it to animate characters in my scene. That way I could have an animation that says "move one unit right" and use it for lots of purposes. Mechanim limits me to saying, "if you're in the center, move off the screen to the right," and it cant be reused for "if you're on the right side, move off the screen to the right."
I'll look into some custom sequences. Thanks
I'll look into some custom sequences. Thanks