3-person talk balloon conversation

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3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by minomod »

1. Check attached image
2. One to three (or more) NPCs
3. Can I print out the speech bubble conversation?

Screen example)
After NPC # 1 outputs speech bubble 1
After NPC 2 outputs speech bubble 2
After NPC 3 outputs speech ball 3
After NPC 1 outputs speech bubble 4

This is how we talk about the speech.
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Tony Li
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by Tony Li »


If I understand correctly, do this:

1. Add a Dialogue Actor component to each NPC.

2. Inspect the Dialogue Actor component.
  • Select the correct actor from the dropdown.
  • Set Dialogue UI Settings > Subtitle Panel Number to Custom.
  • Assign this prefab to the Custom Subtitle Panel field: Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Dialogue System / Prefabs / Standard UI Prefabs / Bubble / Bubble Template Standard UI Subtitle Panel.
If you want to adjust the position or appearance of the bubble, add an instance of Bubble Template Standard UI Subtitle Panel as a child of the NPC and customize it. (For example, to change its height, adjust the Main Panel's Pos Y.) Then assign this instance to the Custom Subtitle Panel field.
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by minomod »

1. Added Actors.
2. Do you have to modify Dialogue Manager?
3. Do you have to modify Dialogue System Trigger?

When you run the game with the attached image, the chat is exposed at the top of the screen. (Not on the character's head)

Here is the error log.
Dialogue System: No Dialogue UI component found on Bubble Template Standard UI Subtitle Panel (UnityEngine.GameObject).
UnityEngine.Debug: LogError (Object)

Dialogue System: No Dialogue UI found on 'Bubble Template Standard UI Subtitle Panel (UnityEngine.GameObject)'. Is the GameObject active and the dialogue UI script enabled? (Will load default UI for now.)
4.png (53.13 KiB) Viewed 816 times
3.png (62.68 KiB) Viewed 816 times
2.png (87.11 KiB) Viewed 816 times
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Tony Li
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by Tony Li »


It's almost perfect. You did one extra step that you did not need to do. Reassign the 'Basic Standard Dialogue UI' to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. Then everything should work correctly.
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by minomod »

I confirmed that the speech bubble was floating.

1. Do NPC 1 times.
2. No 2 NPC metabolism is output
3. Continue Button not exposed
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Tony Li
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by Tony Li »

Sorry, I don't understand.

The Dialogue System Extras page has an example scene. Maybe it will help. Here is a direct link: (download)

General information:

- To enable the continue button, set the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Continue Button dropdown to Always.

- Your button UI must have a continue button. See the example scene.
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by minomod »

My Bubble Template Standard UI Subtitle Panel did not have a continue button.

I checked it with the example you gave and solved the problem.

Thank you very much.
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Tony Li
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Re: 3-person talk balloon conversation

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help.
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