Force Player Response Only On Certain Scenes

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Force Player Response Only On Certain Scenes

Post by Heiden »


I had a question that's probably pretty easy but I can't really figure out how easiest to go about it.

For 99.9% of my game, I don't want to force player response for the main character's lines. (So I've unchecked the Always Force Player Response box and have been very happy with the results.)

But now I've reached a scene where I had wanted the player to get into a dialogue tree, and when you've exhausted all of the options, you're given a single option that says "Thank you for your time".

Basically, you have Topics A, B and C, and when you finish topic A, it loops back to an earlier node and it blocks off A from being played again. I have it working but when I get down to a single topic left (as well as when the single "Thank you for your time" block), it just automatically selects that branch to go down since there is only one path again.

Is there an easy way to make it so that I can say "okay, for this single node I want to force player response"? I know I could set up a second Dialogue Manager but I was wondering if there was maybe another way to do it.

Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: Force Player Response Only On Certain Scenes

Post by Tony Li »


Add "[f]" to the Dialogue Text (or Menu Text if that's what you're using). This forces the response menu.
  • Dialogue Text: "[f]Thank you for your time."
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