Hope this isn't too far from Quest Machine support but I was wondering if you had any insight about using Quest Machines Spawner for USurvival items?
I just loaded up the demo scene for Quest Machine's USurvival package and added a QM Spawner that creates Drink objects from the USurvival Prefabs folder.
When I start the scene, the items are placed in the world but are not collectable. I get two error messages:
Code: Select all
KeyNotFoundException: There is no ScriptableItem with hash=0. Make sure that all ScriptableItems are in the Resources folder so they are loaded properly.
Item.get_data () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Item.get_name () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
ItemDrop.GetInteractionText () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
UIInteraction.Update () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Code: Select all
KeyNotFoundException: There is no ScriptableItem with hash=0. Make sure that all ScriptableItems are in the Resources folder so they are loaded properly.
Item.get_data () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Item.get_maxStack () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Inventory.CanAdd (Item item, System.Int32 amount) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Inventory.Add (Item item, System.Int32 amount) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
ItemDrop.OnInteractServer (UnityEngine.GameObject player) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Interaction.CmdInteract (UnityEngine.Vector3 lookAt) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Interaction.CallCmdInteract (UnityEngine.Vector3 lookAt) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Interaction.Update () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
the item becomes intractable.
I know that this is more about USurvival but can you think of anything off your head that would solve this issue?
Thanks again,