Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

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Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by n_hagialas »

Hi Tony,

We have a Letterbox UI set up that allows for conversations to play while the player is moving around by Setting continue mode false and using continues().

However, this is not allowing the player to interact with Usable objects in the game. When a conversation is not running, this is not a problem. The player can use the object just fine.

How can we fix this? Is OnUse() being suppressed by the conversations?

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Tony Li
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Nik,

Does the player or Dialogue Manager have components that are disabling the player's Selector/ProximitySelector component?

If that isn't the issue, which Letterbox UI are you using?

The Standard UI / Unity UI versions use Unity UI. The Dialogue Panel child GameObject's Rect Transform covers the whole screen. It also has a Canvas Group that blocks raycasts, which will prevent the Selector component from detecting Usables. If you suspect this is the issue, try removing the Canvas Group component.
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by n_hagialas »


1. Thanks for the reply. We went through all of our canvas instances in our scene and tried to disabled the "block raycast" on them and it still didn't allow us to use the Usables. Can you think of anything else that might be causing an issue? I do not believe that the Proximity Selector is being turned off by anything either since we watch it and it stays on the entire time. (We don't use selector, we only use Proximity Selector btw)

2. If there is no solution for this, we might perhaps write our own on trigger enter functionality that would run the OnUse on the object manually. Could we perhaps do a SendMessage to the listener object (this object) and just call its OnUse Dialogue System trigger that way?

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Tony Li
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by Tony Li »

The "block raycast" thing would only be relevant if you were using the Selector with mouse selection. Since you're using Proximity Selector, it doesn't matter.

In version 2.1.2 and earlier, Proximity Selector didn't allow input during conversations. Please use this updated version of Proximity Selector: DS_ProximitySelector_2019-03-13.unitypackage

Alternatively, yes, you can trigger usables on your own using SendMessage("OnUse", playerTransform).
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by n_hagialas »

We just updated our project with that package you gave us and the OnUse that was working before is not running anymore. Are we forgetting to add or change something else?
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Tony Li
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by Tony Li »

What version of the Dialogue System are you using? I might need to include an additional dependency file.
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by n_hagialas »

So we had the version from back in September roughly. It's version 2.0.4. We initially tried to download the package you sent. It did not fix the problem so we went in and updated the dialogue system. At first things didn't work at all (like usables, triggers, dialogue, etc), but then we found the enable 2D physics option, activated it and reimported the scripts. This made the dialogue system behave as usual again but now we are having issues again with getting input from the controller (so the old problem still persists, which is we are unable to click during dialogue, in addition to the string field for 'Use Button' on the proximity selector not working now as well, the F key still works, however, which is our keyboard input button).

We are able to revert back to a previous build before any of these changes were made and add any dependencies that you have to give us but if we can fix the problem now with your updated version, we can just apply it to our current project. Please advise.

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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by n_hagialas »

Update: We found the Input Manager script and added that to player, assigned our "XBoxA" button to it and got the controller to work. Issue of not being able to use a Usable while conversation is running is still happening.
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Tony Li
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Re: Unable to Use Objects During Conversation Dialogue

Post by Tony Li »

Can you please check how your setup differs from this example scene?


I exported the example scene from Unity 2018.2. To test it, I did this:

1. Imported Dialogue System 2.1.2.

2. Imported the ProximitySelector update linked above (DS_ProximitySelector_2019-03-13.unitypackage).

3. Imported this example scene and played it.

The player starts in the center. A/D or left/right move the player.

To the left is a usable that starts a conversation.

To the right is a usable that plays an alert.

I moved left, started the conversation, and then -- while the conversation was still running -- moved right and played the alert.
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