Interchangeable Party Members

Announcements, support questions, and discussion for the Dialogue System.
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Interchangeable Party Members

Post by BigBadSoup »


I'm making a JRPG in which the player is able to switch party members around, both within the party itself and in/out of the party. To deal with conversations, I'd like to have a generic "Character2", "Character3" etc. as actors in the character database, then get the names of the character in each position and display it during the conversation.

OverrideActorName works for the lead character because it's used in StartConversation(), but I'm having trouble using it to replace the other character's names if say, 4 people are having a conversation. I've also tried SetActorField(), but that doesn't seem to work either. Is this doable?

The conversation I'm working on is started by a CinemaDirector StartConversation event, if that's relevant.
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Tony Li
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Re: Interchangeable Party Members

Post by Tony Li »


The customer download page has a patch for the Dialogue System v1.5.5. With this patch, conversations respect Override Actor Name components on other participants, not just the primary actor and conversant. I PM'ed you your access info.

I recommend creating empty GameObjects named Character2, Character3, etc. Add an Override Actor Name to each one. When you set up the conversation, set the Override Actor Name's overrideName field, something like:

Code: Select all

GameObject.Find("Character2").GetComponent<OverrideActorName>().overrideName = "Fred Flintstone";
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Re: Interchangeable Party Members

Post by BigBadSoup »

Awesome! I already had it all set up the way you described so it worked instantly after the patch. Thanks Tony.
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Tony Li
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Re: Interchangeable Party Members

Post by Tony Li »

Great! I'm glad the patch did the trick.
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