Check Quest state and Variables

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Check Quest state and Variables

Post by OneManOnMars »

I have a question and have the feeling that it might be a silly one. Is there a simple way to check the current state of a quest or of a variable. My game does not feature any way for the player to check this via UI but while developing, it would be helpful to check this information. In the Dialoge Manager I can see this information but it does not update while playing. I mean the the display is not updated if I am not wrong. Altough the value is changed in the background

How can I check the values of any quest or variable?

Thank you for your help.
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Tony Li
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Re: Check Quest state and Variables

Post by Tony Li »


Use the Dialogue Editor's Watches section to view runtime values:


You can also add a Lua Console to the Dialogue Manager. This is useful for builds. Press ~+L to open the Lua Console, then enter commands such as:

Code: Select all

return CurrentQuestState("Enemy Attack")
or even:

Code: Select all

SetQuestState("Enemy Attack", "active")
Variable["enemiesDefeated"] = 0
to set values at runtime.
Posts: 105
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Re: Check Quest state and Variables

Post by OneManOnMars »

Thank you very much!
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Tony Li
Posts: 21678
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Re: Check Quest state and Variables

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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