Using same gui-panel for npc text and reminder

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Using same gui-panel for npc text and reminder

Post by Maltakreuz »

I have two separate panels for npc and pc subtitles. My reminder panel should be the same, as npc subtitle panel. So player does not need to look to another part of the screen, if he needs more time to read npc subtitle. Unfortunately i can not use one panel reference for both, because i have a typewriter effect on npc subtitle panel, but i do not need it on reminder. Actually what i am trying to achive is just to keep the npc subtittle panel visible after the time is out. Is any better solution available, but making to identical panels, where only one has a typewriterr component on it?
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Tony Li
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Re: Using same gui-panel for npc text and reminder

Post by Tony Li »

That's how all the built-in prefabs work -- identical panels where only one has a typewriter effect. This gives you the most flexibility if you want to change the appearance of the subtitle reminder in the future.

The other alternative is to edit the dialogue UI scripts or provide your own. The Dialogue System will work with any script that implements the IDialogueUI interface.
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