Dialogue Editor Items/Quests Tab

Use the Items/Quests tab to add, delete, and modify items and quests.

Items Menu

The menu in the upper right provides these options:

Menu Item Description
New Item Add a new item
New Quest Add a new quest. Only available if Use Quest System is checked
Use Quest System Check this to enable the Quest System
Sort Sort the items and quests by Name or ID
Sync from DB Sync items and quests from another database, as described in the Sync from DB section below.

Editing Items

To edit an item, expand its foldout. To delete it, click the - next to its name.

Field Description
ID The internally-assigned ID of the item
Name The name of the item
Is Item True to indicate that this is an item, not a quest

All Fields

The All Fields foldout lets you view and edit all of the items's fields.

  • To add a new field, click the + on the same line as the All Fields foldout.
  • Use Copy and Paste to copy and paste the field values from another item. This is useful for quickly duplicating an item that you can then customize.
  • If you've added new item fields on the Dialogue Editor Templates Tab, click Template to add them to an existing item.
  • Note that the Boolean field Is Item is True. This marks the asset as an item (versus a quest).

Editing Quests

To edit a quest, expand its foldout. To delete it, click the - next to its name.

Field Description
ID The internally-assigned ID of the quest
Name The name of the quest
Use Display Name An optional display name to use in player UIs such as the Quest Log Window
Use Groups An optional group under which to organize the quest
State The starting state of the quest (see the table below)
Trackable If ticked, the quest is trackable in a quest tracking heads-up display (HUD), and the quest log window will present a Track button to toggle tracking on and off
Abandonable If ticked, the quest is abandonable, and the quest log window will present an Abandon button to allow the player to abandon the quest
Has Entries (Subtasks) If ticked, the quest has entries
Description The main description of the quest. If you use Success Description and Failure Description, then Description is the active quest description
Success Description The description to use when the quest has been completed successfully
Failure Description The description to use when the quest has ended in failure
Is Item False to indicate that this is a quest, not an item

You can localize the name and descriptions by adding fields titled Name LN, Description *LN, etc., where LN is the language code. For example, Success Description es would be the Spanish-localized success description. If you have added any localized descriptions, they will be displayed indented under the default field. See All Fields for information about adding fields.

If you want tracking to be active as soon as the quest becomes active, create a Boolean field named Track and set it true. Otherwise, if Trackable is true, the player may choose to track the quest by using the Quest Log Window.

The available quest states for the quest and any entries are:

State Description
unassigned The quest has not been presented or assigned to the player yet
active The player accepted the quest
success The player successfully completed the quest
failure The player ended the quest in failure
done The quest is complete. This is functionally equivalent to success
abandoned The player abandoned the quest

Quest Entries

If Has Entries (Subtasks) is ticked, you can add quest entries that represent subtasks or milestones in the quest.

  • To add a new entry, click Add New Quest Entry.
  • Each entry has its own state and description.
  • You can localize the description by adding a field Entry # LN, where # is the entry number and LN is the language code. For example, Entry 2 es would be the Spanish-localized description for Entry 2.

All Fields

The All Fields foldout lets you view and edit all of the quest's fields.

  • To add a new field, click the + on the same line as the All Fields foldout.
  • Use Copy and Paste to copy and paste the field values from another quest. This is useful for quickly duplicating a quest that you can then customize.
  • If you've added new quest fields on the Dialogue Editor Templates Tab, click Template to add them to an existing quest.
  • Note that the Boolean field Is Item is False. This marks the asset as a quest (versus an item).

Sync from DB

You can also sync items and quests from a different dialogue database. To set this up, select Menu > Sync from DB. This will add a Sync From field to the Items tab.

Assign the source database to the Sync From field. Whenever you open this database in the Dialogue Editor, it will automatically populate the items and quests list with the items and quests in the source database. To manually sync from the source database, click Sync Now.

You can add more items or quests, but keep in mind that items or quests with the same ID as in the source database will be overwritten.

More information: Syncing Assets From Another Database.

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