You're using the legacy Unity GUI system. Unfortunately it doesn't have a "Best Fit" option. Auto Size resizes the Scaled Rect to fit the contents, but it doesn't change the text size.
There's an equivalent Unity UI version of the JRPG UI in Prefabs / Unity UI Prefabs / JRPG. Can you use this instead?
To use it:
1. Remove the JRPG Dialogue UI from the scene if it's there.
2. Inspect the Dialogue Manager, and unassign the Dialogue UI field.
3. In the Hierarchy view, right-click on the Dialogue Manager and select Create > UI > Canvas.
4. Drag the JRPG Unity UI Dialogue UI prefab onto the Canvas so it becomes a child of the Canvas. The hierarchy should look like this:
- Dialogue Manager
- Canvas
- JRPG Unity UI Dialogue UI
5. Expand JRPG Unity UI Dialogue UI, and inspect the Dialogue Panel. Set the Canvas Group's alpha value to 1 so you can see the text elements.
6. Inspect the text elements, tick Best Fit, and experiment with the settings in the editor to get the look you want.