Dialogue Events Disappear When I Change Scenes

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Dialogue Events Disappear When I Change Scenes

Post by modelpenguin »


I am having an issue where when I go from scene 1 to scene 2, all the events that I had set up for scene 1 are considered 'missing'. For example, when I am in scene 1, the dialogue comes up correctly. When a certain dialogue is said, a game object becomes active, and when the other dialogue is chosen, a canvas pops up. However, when I go to scene 2, the dialogue comes up, but when I choose any of the two dialogue options, the game object and/or canvas never becomes active. When I go back to scene 1 from scene 2, the same things happens where the dialogue events never go through.

I am not exactly sure why this is happening, and I am not sure how to fix it. It says that the scripts that cause the "events" are missing when I go back and forth between scenes, even when they are attached in the scene themselves.

Thank you! :D
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Re: Dialogue Events Disappear When I Change Scenes

Post by modelpenguin »

Please let me know if you want screenshots. I can give them right away!!
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue Events Disappear When I Change Scenes

Post by Tony Li »


Yes, please post screenshots. Also see: How To: Manage Player Controls and Scene Changes
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