Hi, sorry about this noob question but im not familiar with the message system. I have a Quest where all nodes are conditions waiting for a specific message to complete. Im calling the standard SendMessage from any GameObject because i don't care origin or destination for this test, but im getting the error SendMessage GoldenKey has no receiver!
I am missing something?
Send Message use
Re: Send Message use
Quest Machine's message system is different from Unity's SendMessage.
If you're using a QuestControl component, use QuestControl.SendToMessageSystem.
If you're using C#, use PixelCrushers.MessageSystem.SendMessage().
Quest Machine's message system is different from Unity's SendMessage.
If you're using a QuestControl component, use QuestControl.SendToMessageSystem.
If you're using C#, use PixelCrushers.MessageSystem.SendMessage().