"Return to hub node" beaviour, but don't display initial hub text

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"Return to hub node" beaviour, but don't display initial hub text

Post by apocrypha1 »

Hi, sorry for the confusingly worded question.

What I'm looking for is a behavior in dialogues that can be seen in games like Disco Elysium and other CRPGs. I'm gonna try to explain the sort of behavior I'm looking to have.

Basically, I have a dialogue that, when started, displays node A: "This is the first node."

From here, I can select three nodes, B, C and D, all of which display 3 dialogue entries before linking back to node A. Let's say that node B has, as it's last dialogue entry the sentence "Now select a new option!"

What I want to happen is for the dialogue UI do display the initial dialogue options again WITHOUT displaying "This is the first node". Instead, I want for the UI to display "Now select a new option!" and present the player with the same dialogue options as when they first initiated the dialogue.

Is this sort of behavior present already in some way, or would I need to create custom logic for it? And if so, what would the best approach be?

Sorry again if this is very confusing, I hope I explained it well enough. Thanks in advance!
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Tony Li
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Re: "Return to hub node" beaviour, but don't display initial hub text

Post by Tony Li »


Use a group node. (Tick the node's Group checkbox.) Then link the group node back to the choices:

groupNode.png (39.71 KiB) Viewed 257 times

This is often done in combination with setting the Dialogue Manager's Input Settings > [em#] Tag for Old Response to gray out choices that the player has already made.
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Re: "Return to hub node" beaviour, but don't display initial hub text

Post by apocrypha1 »

Ah, well that was simpler than expected. Thanks a lot for the detailed answer!
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Tony Li
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Re: "Return to hub node" beaviour, but don't display initial hub text

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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