"Bug" when selecting a Conversant

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"Bug" when selecting a Conversant

Post by OscarS »

Hi! I got a really strange problem, I'm not sure if it is a bug or maybe I'm getting something wrong.

The problem is this:

I created a NPC and everything was fine with the conversation. Then I started to create a new one and followed the same steps. But now the problem is that, when I speak to the new NPC, the conversation does not appear. Using the Debug info I see that when the player "says" the dialogue, the next step is just a "Ending Conversation". So, the conversation starts but for some reason, it just shows it fast and then ends without waiting for the "continue button" even though I have it on "always" on the Dialogue Manager.

After some research, I noticed that if I change the "Conversant" to "none" then everything works as with the previous NPC, when talking to it, it shows the message and waits as expected. But the funny thing is that it only solves the problem If I change the "Conversant" to "none" in the conversation info, where the name and description are. If I then select each dialogue box and change the conversant to "player" again, it still works fine.

But If I select "conversant" to "player" in the conversation description, and then in each dialogue box select "conversant" to "none" it doesn't work.

So for some reason, for this new NPC, I have to select "conversant" to "none" on the whole conversation info, in any other case it doesn't work.

As an extra, I tried giving the actual player an actor component with the "player" actor, and when I try to speak with the new NPC, the conversation appear but with the name and portrait of the player, not of the actor. But in the conversation, the dialogues are selected with the actor as the NPC.

I hope it is not too confusing and thanks in advance for the help.
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Tony Li
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Re: "Bug" when selecting a Conversant

Post by Tony Li »


Inspect your conversation in the Dialogue Editor. Click on blank canvas space or select Menu > Conversation Properties. This will show the conversation's properties:
  • In general, if the conversation is between the player and an NPC, set the Actor dropdown to Player and the Conversant dropdown to the NPC.
  • If the Override Display Settings checkbox is ticked, UNtick it unless you really need to override settings.
In your Dialogue System Trigger, assign the player to the Actions > Start Conversation > Conversation Actor field and the NPC to the Conversation Conversant field. If they're not assigned, the trigger follows these rules: Character GameObject Assignments

If the GameObject being used has an Override Display Settings component, that may be causing it to behave differently.

To know which GameObject is being used, or to investigate why a conversation is ending early, see the Logging & Debugging video for an explanation of how to see which GameObjects are being used.
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