Question about Lua Observer

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Question about Lua Observer

Post by fbthd1234 »


I have a question about how to use Lua Observer.

In the document, there is only content about variables that I have designated myself as observers.
Like Variable['something'].

Is it possible to use the Lua expression to observe changes across all Variables in the database?
Like how to use an expression like Variable['ALL'].

If there is a way, I want you to give me a guide.
Thank you.
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Tony Li
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Re: Question about Lua Observer

Post by Tony Li »


No, there isn't a way to do that. Lua is like C# in that respect. There's nothing in Unity's C# that will tell you when any variable in all scripts has changed.

You could write C# methods to change Lua variables. Something like:

Code: Select all

public void SetBool(string variableName, bool value)
    DialogueLua.SetVariable(variableName, value);
    Debug.Log($"{variableName} just changed to: {value}"); // Notify me that variable changed.
Then register that method with Lua and use it to set DS variables instead of Variable["foo"] = value.
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