So my question is very simple and I can't figure it out.
I want to write something like this using the dialogue system:
"Hello, my name is (MY_NAME) and I am (AGE) years old."
(My_NAME) and (AGE) are field inside actor, or variables in the dialogue system, or even variables inside a c# script.
How can I get achieve this with the dialogue system?
Thank you for your help
How to add a string in a dialog?
Re: How to add a string in a dialog?
If MY_NAME and AGE are variables in the Dialogue System, use the [var=varName] tag:
If MY_NAME and AGE are variables in the Dialogue System, use the [var=varName] tag:
- Dialogue Text: ""Hello, my name is [var=MY_NAME] and I am [var=AGE] years old."
- Dialogue Text: ""Hello, my name is [lua( Actor["Player"].MY_NAME )] and I am [lua( Actor["Player"].AGE )] years old."
- Dialogue Text: ""Hello, my name is [lua( Actor[Variable["Conversant"]].MY_NAME )] and I am [lua( Actor[Variable["Conversant"]].AGE )] years old."
- Dialogue Text: ""Hello, my name is [lua( LookupValue("MY_NAME") )] and I am [lua( LookupValue("AGE") )] years old."