Release Notes:
- Changed: Conditional() Lua function now uses a bool for the condition parameter, not a string.
- Improved: Added search bar to Dialogue System Trigger conversation selection, [ConversationPopup] attribute to allow filtering of conversation titles.
- Improved: BarkGroupManager now has CancelAllBarks() method; can now pass null to MutexBark() to hide all barks in group.
- Improved: AudioWait() sequencer command methods are now virtual.
- Improved: Typewriter effects now accepts <c>\n</c> to represent newlines in Full/Quarter Pause Codes fields.
- Improved: LocalizeUI now localizes TMP_Dropdown components.
- Improved: Added DialogueManager.instance.overrideGetLocalizedText delegate hook.
- Improved: StandardUIMenuPanel.SetResponseButton now sets response property before calling StandardUIResponseButton.SetFormattedText.
- Improved: Now logs warning if StandardUIResponseButton text is blank.
- Improved: ConversationModel.SetParticipants() is now public to allow changing conversation's actor & conversant GameObjects mid-conversation.
- Improved: TextMeshProTypewriterEffect now calls ForceMeshUpdate with every character in case UI element is being animation (e.g., scale).
- Improved: Now supports running in batch mode. (Define BATCH_MODE scripting symbol.)
- Improved: Importers (articy, Arcweave, Chat Mapper) sync from any sync'ed DBs before importing.
- Fixed: Implemented workaround for inspector bug in Unity 2022.2
- 2022.3.
- Fixed: Issue with custom sequence field dropdown menu items.
- Fixed: Continue() sequencer command now only advances its own conversation, not all active conversations, unless you pass 'all' as parameter.
- Fixed: Subtitle panel Block Input Duration doesn't start until panel's Show animation has finished.
- Fixed: Now uses localized name for portrait names that appear in Show On Conversation Start.
- Fixed: Cached bark lines now observe markup tags.
- Fixed: LuaConditionWizard inspector rendering when using Odin Inspector.
- Fixed: Evaluation version's Welcome Window would set USE_YARN scripting define symbol, causing error when switching to Asset Store version if Yarn Spinner was not installed.
- Fixed: DialogueSystemSaver.ResetGameState now clears quest tracker HUD.
- Dialogue Editor: Link order is now shown on node link arrows by default. / Tooltip hover link order
- Dialogue Editor: Added option to include conversation title in every dialogue entry row in voiceover script export.
- Dialogue Editor: Added option to hide filtered-out actors in Actors section.
- Timeline: Added Run Lua clip.
- Adventure Creator: Added Pause action, Force Cursor Visible During Conversations checkbox on bridge component.
- Arcweave:
- Added support for runtime import.
- Team plan users can now download Arcweave project updates into importer using Arcweave web API.
- Now observes character assignments dragged onto dialogue elements in Arcweave, unless overridden by "Speaker:name".
- Now imports custom fields added to actors and locations.
- No longer creates group nodes for connections without text.
- Improved behavior of Merge checkbox.
- Importer now handles null jumper elementId's.
- Celtx:
- Custom breakdown types now use custom type name for field title.
- Multiple breakdowns in same node are now concatenated into the relevant breakdown field.
- Added option for Gameplay elements to be imported as their own dialogue entry nodes.
- Ink: Mixing Ink conversations and regular dialogue database conversations now allows regular conversations to fully evaluate all links.
- i2 Localization:
- Refresh button now clears internal list of which fields to include/exclude from localization.
- Now disables checkboxes for fields that shouldn't be localized (e.g., Boolean, Number).
- Now allows localization of Localization field types.
- Added option to include conversation ID/title with custom field values in dialogue entry terms.
- Localization Package:
- Fixed issue with updating actor names when switching locales.
- Added option for DialogueManager.GetLocalizedText() to use translations in the Localization Package's string tables.
- Makinom: Start Conversation node can now specify a different starting entry ID.
- ORK: Added orkGetQuestTaskStatus() Lua function.
- Emerald AI: Finds proper location of new Faction Data asset.
- PlayMaker: Fixed inconsistent line endings message caused by LuaTableEnum.cs.
- RPG Builder:
- Changed: rpgGainExperience() is now rpgAddSkillExperience().
- Added Stop NPC During Conversation, Bypass Interaction Panel options to NPC Dialogue System setup. (See manual page for known issue.)
- Added Lua functions: rpgAddCharacterExperience(); get/set RPGQuest states; get values of stats, abilities, skills.
- Added rpgMerchant() and rpgTeleport() sequencer command.
- Quest tracker is no longer shown in main menu scene.
- Addressed issue with save system and respawning.
- Added quest example to demo prefabs.
- Text Animator: Updated for Text Animator 1.3.x.
- TopDown Engine: Added AllowUINavigationDuringConversations component to re-enable input after closing Inventory Engine UI during conversation.
- Yarn: Fixed import issue that set nodes' Sequence fields to Continue() when they shouldn't be.