[HOWTO] How To: Play Sequences Without UI At Conversation Start/End

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

[HOWTO] How To: Play Sequences Without UI At Conversation Start/End

Post by Tony Li »

If you want to play a cutscene sequence when a conversation starts and/or ends, without showing the dialogue UI until the cutscene sequence has finished, use these steps:

1. Set the <START> node's Sequence to:

Code: Select all

SetDialoguePanel(false, immediate)
2. Add a child node. Leave its Dialogue Text blank. Include your sequence in the Sequence field. At the end of the sequence, use SetDialoguePanel(true). For example:

Code: Select all

3. At the end of the conversation, to play a sequence without the dialogue UI, add a node. Use SetDialoguePanel(false) and include your sequence. Example:

Code: Select all

SetDialoguePanel(false); AudioWait(SomeNarratorVoiceover2)
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